Exploring F# with .NET and Docker on Raspberry Pi

Recently, I got a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Now, I’d like to figure out, if I can run an F# server in a Docker container on it. I am aware that the currently installed Raspberry Pi OS is actually a 32-bit OS while the processor of my Pi has an 64-bit architecture. This has an impact if I’d like to install .NET directly on the OS. Since I intend to use Docker, I’ll sort that out later and just try to get it going.

Proof of principle

Try to run a container with .NET installed:

sudo docker run -it microsoft/dotnet:latest

Since I managed to spin up a .NET container, the next step is to create an F# console application and run it:

mkdir test
cd test
dotnet new console -lang "F#"
dotnet run

I am also able to run the dll file directy:

dotnet bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/test.dll

To exit the container and keep it running, I press [ctrl] + [p] followed by [ctrl] + [q].

Bind mount a host directory

First I create in the current directory a folder hostFolder containing a subfolder on the host system. I’ll mount hostFolder into the container below.

mkdir hostFolder
mkdir hostFolder/subfolder

Then I create a container from the image microsoft/dotnet:latest. Using the -v flag, I mount the hostFolder into the /targetFolder in the container. Note that the directory targetFolder is created in the root directory (/). The term "${PWD}"/hostFolder determines the path of the hostFolder to mount with ${PWD} being the current working directory. The part after the colon : with the path /targetFolder defines the mount point in the container. The -w flag determines the working directory in the container. Thus, I get directly into the /targetFolder/subFolder directory in the container.

sudo docker run -it \
       -v "${PWD}"/hostFolder:/targetFolder \
       -w /targetFolder/subfolder \

For testing I create a test file within the subfolder on the container and see it on the host system.

sudo docker run -it -v "${PWD}"/Source/Repos/Lab/TestApp:/TestApp  -w /TestApp microsoft/dotnet:latest

Add a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile describes how Docker creates an image and runs it. However, I’d like to develop on my Mac and try to setup the docker image there. Thus, I’ll setup a SAFE stack app on my Mac in another post.


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